Dog Cafe 予約

  1. コースの選択
  2. 予約日時の選択
  3. お客様情報の入力
  4. 予約内容の確認
  5. お申し込み完了


【30分】席の予約/30mins Seat reservation (30分)
他のお客様との相席プランとなります。This plan, few couples will share the room.
【1時間】席の予約/1HOUR Seat reservation (1時間)
他のお客様との相席プランとなります。This plan, few couples will share the room.
【貸切30分】席の予約/ "PRIVATE BOOKING" 30mins Seat reservation (30分)
This is a private room plan. A seat charge of 1,000 yen per person (30 minutes) will be added "separately" from the regular fee. Only for the time when the number of remaining seats is "2".
※You need to select ”2” in the 「組数couple number」section。
※Minimum of 2 persons.
※Advance payment is required from the Top page purchase button.
【貸切1時間】席の予約/ "PRIVATE BOOKING" 1hour seat reservation (1時間)
This is a private room plan. A seat charge of 2,000 yen per person (60 minutes) will be added "separately" from the regular fee. Only for the time when the number of remaining seats is "2".
※You need to select ”2” in the 「組数couple number」section。
※Minimum of 2 persons.
※Advance payment is required from the Top page purchase button.